Building/Facilities Operations:
School of Fine Arts Exterior Door Key Card Access Requests or Issues
Request for *Physical* Keys: Request for physical keys to individuals, require the approval of the Dean's Office. All key & access requests require adequate justification. Additionally, the keyholder is responsible for any fines associated with keys checked out to them. Fines are not to be paid by the department or with university funds. The keyholder may have the fine charged to their U-Bill, payroll deducted, or pay with check or cash. Keys can be requested via LockSmith.
Facilities Maintenance: The UConn Facilities Operations Center is staffed 24/7/365 to coordinate maintenance requests for the University. For urgent concerns such as water leaks or power outages, please call the UConn Facilities Operations Center at 860-486-3113.
To Request an SFA Controlled Space for a class or event, please use the SFA Room Request Form.
IT/Technology Support
- UConn ITS: For Emails, NetID, Microsoft Office 365, Networking, HuskyCT/Blackboard, Student Admin/Peoplesoft, Google Suite
- SFA Tech Support: For Laptop/PC hardware, Tech hardware, Tech purchase, troubleshoot, QDrive support, Tech setup, Classroom Tech Support. Please email: Rick O'Toole
- Husky CT/Blackboard Access/Support/Resources
- UConn Educational Technologies
- UConn Knowledge Base
- SFA Dean's Office IT Equipment Request