Transferring into the BFA in Acting from Another Acting Program
Transferring into the University (even if you are an acting major at another school) does not guarantee a position in the BFA Program. You first must transfer into the University (through the regular transfer-admissions process) and then you must schedule an audition with the Performance Faculty. Transfer admissions into the BFA acting program are based on demonstrated talent, professional potential and available space in the class you would be joining. The performance faculty would determine your semester standing within the program based both on your audition and a careful examination of the performance and academic theatre courses you've completed successfully at your first school.
Change of Major into the BFA in Acting from Another Major
Those coming from other college majors will be considered for admission on the same basis as high school students applying for admission to the program. The BFA in acting requires a four-year sequence of performance courses. Even if you've completed several years at another university or in another major at UConn, it will still take you four years to complete the BFA. Depending on how many general education courses you've completed, those four years might carry fewer out-of-department requirements, however, the course of study will still take the full four years. Students from other colleges must first apply to UConn through the transfer admissions process and then schedule an acting audition (see above). Those who are already UConn students may simply schedule an audition.