The Master of Fine Arts program in Technical Direction prepares students for professional careers in technical production areas associated with the performing arts. The program emphasizes planning and management and focuses on methods of investigating and applying new techniques, materials and technologies to the technical management and execution of productions.
Flexibility in plans of study provides access for students with previous design experience to graduate level design courses. Regular reviews by the Design/Technical Faculty measure the students' growth and determine their continuance in the program. The final project leading to the M.F.A. degree consists of technical direction of a mainstage production of significant scope and challenge as determined by the student's committee. Documentation of the project and investigative research relating to a new material, process, procedure or mechanism that expands the current horizons of theatre technology is required.
Technological Requirements: All Design/Tech MFA students must have a laptop that meet the department's minimum requirements

A minimum of three years of full-term resident graduate study is required.
A minimum of 60 graduate credits is required.
All M.F.A. students follow The Graduate School's "Plan B" (no thesis), however a specially assigned "MFA Project" involving a Mainstage CRT production is required during the final year.
The following is a list of required and recommended Dramatic Arts courses you will take in order to complete your MFA in Scenic Design:
All of the Following Couses are Required:
- DRAM. 5201 (305) Production Drafting
- DRAM. 5202 (309) Technical directing
- DRAM. 5200 (311) 3D CAD - Studies in Technical Production
- DRAM. 5204 (312) Technical Analysis
- DRAM. 5205 (316) Audio Production
- DRAM. 5206 (317) Sound Technology
- DRAM. 5207 (318) Electricity/Electronics
- DRAM. 5208 (321) Computer Applications
- DRAM. 5209 (322) Studies in Theatre Design
- DRAM. 5210 (323) Properties Construction
- DRAM. 5211 (324) Advanced Rigging
- DRAM. 5212 (327) Shop Technology
- DRAM. 5213 (328) Stage Technology
- DRAM. 5131 (393) Theater History
- DRAM. 5189 (389) Internship: Field Studies Internship Design/Tech.
- DRAM. 5192 (392) Independent Study
- DRAM. 5196 (396) M.F.A. Project
- DRAM. 5197 (397) Investigation of Special Topics- Automation Seminar
The following electives are available in design
- DRAM 301----Studies in Design: Rendering Tchniques
- DRAM 301----Studies in Design: Scenographic Techniques
- DRAM 302----Advanced Scene Design I
- DRAM 303----Advanced Scene Design II
- DRAM 306----Advanced Lighting Design I
- DRAM 307----Advanced Lighting Design II
- DRAM 308----Lighting Technology
- DRAM 397----Investigation of Special Topics ---- Automation Seminar