The BA in Theatre Studies offers students a flexible and individualized approach to their degree. Students may pursue a general course of study, exploring many aspects of theatre, or they may focus in one of our areas of concentration: Stage Management, Directing, Playwriting, Theatre Management, and Dramaturgy. Students plan their course of student in collaboration with their advisor. In the Senior Year, students complete a capstone project reflecting the development of their skills and their artistic voice.
BA students gain production experience through the Connecticut Repertory Theatre (CRT), the production arm of the Department of Dramatic Arts, as well as through student projects. CRT offers opportunities for stage managers, assistant directors, and dramaturgs. Those interested in theatre management can work alongside CRT staff, studying topics such as audience services, publicity, and company management. BA students direct and produce original plays in our student-led
projects. They may also audition for CRT productions and student-led productions, and act as assistant designers.
Academically, BA students take courses in theatre history and literature, as well as in related disciplines such as history, anthropology, political science, human rights, art, and philosophy. This broad study reinforces our understanding that theatre is a vital part and inherently interdisciplinary part of human culture.
Offering a combination of strong academics and production experience, the BA prepares students with the artistic and intellectual foundation necessary for a successful professional life in the theatre and related disciplines, and it develops artists with an awareness of the vital role theatre plays in our culture.

PLEASE NOTE: Theatre Studies is not a performance-focused program. Admission to the Theatre Studies program does not grant access to advanced acting courses.