The BA is similar to most of UConn's liberal arts degrees in that students take 40%-60% of their college credits within the major. The remaining curriculum consists of liberal arts courses, including the University's General Education Requirements.
Offering a combination of strong academics and production experience, the BA in Theatre Studies provides an excellent foundation for graduate work in theatre or other academic fields, as well as a foundation for professional careers in directing, playwriting, dramatic criticism, stage management, theatre management, and a host of other related fields.
The following is a list of the courses you will take to complete your BA in Theatre Studies. “Related” courses are non-Dramatic Arts courses.

Course of Study
ALL of the courses from the following list:
- DRAM 1216: Theatre Production: Costume & Makeup
- DRAM 1218: Theatre Production: Stage Craft
- DRAM 1282: 1 Credit Practicum
- DRAM 1710: Introduction to Acting for Non-BFA Majors
- DRAM 2130: Histories of Drama and Performance I
- DRAM 2131: Histories of Drama and Performance
- DRAM 2141: Script Analysis
- DRAM 4711W: The Director in the Theatre
Any THREE courses from the following list:
- DRAM 3130: Women in Theatre
- DRAM 3131: African-American Theatre
- DRAM 3132: African American Women Playwrights, 1900-Present
- DRAM 3133: Latin Theatre
- DRAM 3138: Trends in Contemporary Theatre
- DRAM 3139: Theatre and Human Rights
- DRAM 4135W: Advanced Topics in Theatre Studies
An additional 18 credits in Dramatic Arts at the 2000-4000 level
These courses are selected in conjunction with the student's academic adviser and may serve toward the completion of a concentration. Examples of such courses include:
- DRAM 2150: Devising for Social Justice I
- DRAM 2711: Introduction to Directing
- DRAM 3101: Stage Management for the Theatre
- DRAM 3141: Playwriting
- DRAM 3142: Dramaturgy
- DRAM 3145: Film Writing
- DRAM 4122: Theatre Administration and Organization
An additional 12 credits at the 3000-4000 level in a related group outside the department.
These courses should be closely related to the student's major, but need not be in a single department. These courses also may be used to satisfy other University requirements, such as minors, if appropriate.
Please Note: Many courses in the BFA Design and Technical Theatre and BFA Puppet Arts are open to BA students as well. BA students may not enroll, in BFA Acting courses.
Technological Requirements
All BA students electing to take any of the Computer Drafting or Rendering classes must have a laptop that meets the department's minimum requirements.